Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Don't Give Up On Yourself!!

If there is one thing that I've learned as a makeup artist it's the importance for us as women to take care of ourselves.  It seems like a no brainer when we're young.  Some of us would spend countless hours trying out new makeup, curling or straightening our hair so it looked perfect and shopping for new clothes to stay on top of the latest trends.  Fast forward fifteen years, a husband and 3 kids later and you're finding that even the thought of putting on makeup seems like a chore.  Heck,  some mornings you feel lucky to even fit a shower in before you have to take your kids to school... and did you brush your teeth??  As we get older and the roles of motherhood takes over we push our needs to the back burner.   We love being parents, but yet inside we're missing aspects of our old selves and the things that seemed so simple at one time.   Now those simple things are luxuries that we sometimes wish we could get back. 

Whether you're a stay-at-home mom and CEO of your household or a working mom trying to balance it all, it's so important to treat yourself to some "luxuries" once in a while.   You deserve it!  Make an effort to to take a few extra minutes in the morning and evening for yourself.  Go to the store and pick out a new lipstick or some new makeup colors.   Make time to fit in some form of exercise at least 3 days a week.   It's amazing what exercise will do to increase your energy level and elevate your mood.  I started running years ago and it's one of the best things I've done for myself.

Try and look past your personal insecurities and remind yourself of all of the qualities that make you an amazing person.  It's okay to put yourself first once a while and NOT feel guilty about.  It will make you a much happier're worth it:)

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